We are fortunate once again, in this, No. 2 of our new style Journal, to have plenty of new discoveries to report; discoveries perhaps not having the glamour (?) of Magnetometer Pot and Hammer Pot, but nevertheless of significance and interest.

It must be an unusual situation for an editorial staff to find difficulty in keeping up with offers of articles from Club members, yet this is our happy lot - but we must once again apologise for a considerable delay in producing Vol. 2 No. 2.

A host of circumstances has contributed to this delay, not least of which has been the disorganisation subsequent upon Jack Myers' illness. We are all very pleased that Jack is making a good recovery. In fact, he is already in strict training for future trips in Mossdale, and sent out an S.O.S. for knee-pads the other week to assist him in his creeping. Not only our own club members, but also his many friends in other clubs, wish him a speedy recovery.

How long can our "new discoveries" Journal continue ? Well, we are already in a good position for the next one, and are hopeful of many current digs and scratchings. In the meantime, congratulations to everyone concerned with this spate of new caves and pots. Keep those spades and hammers rattling ! Further good hunting also to our friends of the Richmond School (Yorkshire) Caving Club, who discovered the extension to Crackpot Cave, and the Durham Exploration Club who assisted with its exploration and survey. We are pleased to acknowledge our debt to them for the article on this cave.

Glückauf !

> NPC Blue Journal 1959:
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