Now it so fell out that Budge and Dick did know of a young man, a tractor driver by the name of Bob Porter, who did labour mightily for the West Riding War Agricultural Committee. And they went unto him and enquired of him for knowledge of a place they might rent, to live and dwell and have their being. And he answered them kindly, for he loved them because they had taken dogs from a pothole where they had been trapped near Mere Ghyll in the land of Craven, the stony place. And they were the dogs of Dick Foster, the signal man of Clapham, and they were the fox hunting dogs, for this Bob was a hunter, a very Nimrod and a Bahram. So he said unto them, "Go, live with the birds, go even unto the Crow's Nest which is on the other side of Buckhaw Brow."

So they went and found the Crow Nest, and the owner, Mr. Bradbury, welcomed them and said "come and abide in the cottage opposite my house, and there thou shalt dwell rent free because thou art comely youths withal, but first thou shalt see the place, for behold, it is in a worse state than Europe, and perchance thou wilt not wish to dwell there".

And they came and saw it,and lo, it was in a hell of a state. Nevertheless it looked good to them, and they said "Here will we abide and of this hovel we will make a palace".

So it came to pass that on the thirtieth day of June they took their goods and chattels and did fare unto the Raven's Eyrie, and they were much laden withal. And there went that day unto the nest Budge, Ken, Dick, Jim, Bert, Alf and John, and some journeyed twice for there were but three velocipedes and they were much laden.

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